Mumbai University (MU) SEM 7 (Mega Update-II) 1) Data Compression and Encryption: a) Khalid Sayood, “ Introduction to Data Compression” ,Morgan Kaufmann, 2000 b) Special short notes for quick understanding and last minute revision c) Easy solutions of DCE . (exclusively available here) 2) Image and Video Processing: a) Gonzales and Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, India, Third Edition b) Murat Tekalp, “Digital Video Processing”, Pearson, 2010. c) A.I.Bovik, “Handbook on Image and Video Processing", Academic Press. d) Special short notes for quick understanding and last minute revision e) Easy solutions of Image and video processing (exclusively available here) 3) Mobile Communication: a) Young Kyun Kim and Ramjee Prasad, “4G Roadmap & Emerging Communication Technologies “, Artech house b) “Wireless Communications” by Andreas Molisch c) Solutions Manual for the additional e...